

2010-08-24 09:55

    1.Yes.I'll go to get him.


    2.I'm so glad I've got hold of you at last.


    3.Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter?


    4.I'm off today.


    5.Listen,Mike,I've got news for you.


    6.You don't know me,but this is Garl Mattews.


    7.I'm calling on behalf of Dave Kennedy.


    8.So he gave me your telephone number and let me give you acall.


    9.And what time would suit you best?


    10.You can call us from the lobbv and we'll come down.


    11.Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much forcalling me.


    12.She asked me to ask you if you would be able to meet here to-day at 3∶30 p.m.


    13.But you can page her.


    14.What is the number of her beeper?


    15.Fine.Thanks for the message.


    Dialogue A

    (A:Robert B:Peter C:Mike)


    B:Hello.Is that Mike?

    A:No,this is Robert,his brother,speaking.

    B:Oh hello,Robert.This is Peter.How are you?

    A:Fine,thanks,and you?

    B:I'm very well.Is Mike there?

    A:Yes.I'll go get him.

    C:Hello.Mike speaking.

    B:Hello.Mike?This is Peter speaking.I'm so glad I've got holdof you at last.

    C:Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter? I'm off to-day.

    B:That's good to know.Listen,Mike,I've got news for you.

    C:What is it?

    B:My sister Jane is coming back from America.

    C:That's great.When is she coming back?

    B:Next weekend.

    C:Next weekend?OK.And I want to know how long she willstay here this time.

    B:About a week. Let's get together tonight and plan a party forher.

    C:All right.I'll come to your place at 8 o'clock.

    B:Good.I'll be waiting for you.

    C:See you later.

    B:Good-bye.  想知道怎么轻松应付老外吗?友商社区给你支招!!


