

2010-08-24 09:55

    1.Yes.You have the right number.


    2.Please connect me with Mr.Lee.


    3.Who is calling,please?


    4.Are you still on the line?


    5.I'm sorry,but he has a visitor right now.


    6.Could you hold a little longer?


    7.Or shall I put you through to his secretary?


    8.Shall I tell him you called?


    9.Well,actually,I'd rather call back later.


    10.When is a good time to call?


    11.Why don't you try agian in an hour?


    12.Good afternoon.David Brown's office.


    13.This is Prof.Davis from the University of Washington.


    14.Would you mind waiting a few minutes?


    15.I'll just trying to find him.


    16.Yes.Go ahead,please.


    17.I'm sorry,but he is in a meeting now.


    18.The best time to catch him would be 5∶30.


    19.Could you possibly ask him to call me back?


    20.Of course.What number are you on?


21.He has my number but I'll give it to you just in case.


    22.There is a call from Wang Ling.


    23.She is on her way.


    24.I'll hold.


    25.It's been a while.


    26.It's nice to hear from you.

    很高兴你打来电话。  想知道怎么轻松应付老外吗?友商社区给你支招!!


